Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stupid Domain Grabbers

So, you'd think working on websites all day I'd be more on top of this, but I had my domain name registered under an email address I rarely checked. That meant, that when it was time to renew the notice went to that email.

A few weeks later I went to check something on my blog and realized my domain name didn't go to it anymore. I logged into my registrar account and sure enough the domain was nowhere to be found. Found the email a little later.

Instead, one of those stupid link sites bought it since I had lots of links to my blog and now you get taken there. Needless to say, I'm pretty mad, but need to go out and find a new domain.

Stay tuned.

Magic Mouse + MagicPrefs + AppleScript = Awesome

5 months since my last post? Not bad.

I just recently picked up an Apple Magic Mouse and have been playing with MagicPrefs to try to find the best setup for how I use my Mac. Since I already use a lot of keyboard shortcuts I didn't want to use mouse commands for something I can already do easily.

Here's the list:

Left Click: Two Finger Click + One Finger Left Click
Right Click: One Finger Right Click

Scroll: Single Finger Scroll

Dashboard: One Finger Middle Axis Click (Like clicking the trackball on a Mighty Mouse)
Expose - All Apps: Two Finger Swipe Down*
Expose - Desktop: Two Finger Swipe Down*

* I thought about using pinch in/out for these two commands but thought I'd rather have that for zooming in certain applications.

iTunes Controls
One of the great things about MagicPrefs is the ability to map gestures to Custom Targets, such as Applications, Keyboard Combinations, and Applescript Commands (awesome!). So I setup some applescript commands for iTunes to use with the mouse. All iTunes Controls use 3-finger commands since I didn't see those being too useful for other things.

Play/Pause - Three Finger Click - 'tell application "iTunes" to playpause'
Next Track - Three Finger Swipe Right - 'tell application "iTunes" to next track'
Prev Track - Three Finger Swipe Left - 'tell application "iTunes" to previous track'
Volume Up (by 10) - Three Finger Swipe Up - 'set output_vol to output volume of (get volume settings)
set volume output volume (output_vol + 10)'
Volume Down (by 10) - Three Finger Swipe Down - 'set output_vol to output volume of (get volume settings)
set volume output volume (output_vol - 10)'